Monday, June 2, 2008


Hello Reader!

I come to you with exciting news that Ice Cube has been kicking, elbowing and pushing its bum out big time and often. It is like a skin earth quake!

Anyway, Ice Cube has grown so much that she/he has been promoted to Iceberg, following with his/her growth. Poor Mrs Fridge has to carry that about and he/she is only going to get bigger. I hope the summer is not going to be too hot.

On the more good news front : Mr Fridge Dad looks to have sold his house and looks to be buying a posh res accommodation by the sea on other side of the country.

On the less exciting but still good news, Mr Fridge brother has received his box of DVDs with British TV programs that I think he would like arrived safely in Austrialand. Mr Frige Brother's Partner, Setanta C, got some mini-cream eggs.

On the bad news front, hardly been able to train at Karate recently so missing that, but I shall get back into it soon.

Mr Fridge hopes that all his Aunts and Uncles and cousins are all in good news mode today.

Time for bed soon.

Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that you will take good care of Mrs. Fridge...keep her nice and cool and comfortable! Congrats to Dad on the sale and purchase of a posh place...wahoo!! British TV DVD's? What... no GARTH BROOKS?? ;) USA COWGIRL