Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Friday Update on a Tuesday

Hello Reader,

Mr Fridge neglected to say that he was out of Friday evening with Mr Brian, Mr Dobber and Mr HowmanytimescanyouleavethesamejobandisunawareheisaHarryHilllookalike. They had a pleasureable evening taking the pi . . . erm gently pulling each others' legs, consuming beverages, watching Euro 2008 footy and wondering why Mr Dobber was waiting outside the pub he said he would be in at 5pm. Mr HowmanytimescanyouleavethesamejobandisunawareheisaHarryHilllookalike turned up late as he was working late for his new manager, Mr Booby. Mr Booby was due to be out but Pink Scooter Boy (yes, he had a scooter and his Mum bought him a pink one a few years ago!) was not allowed out, or so he says, but to be fair he has child number 2 due soon so he has to be flexible I guess.

Anyone fancy attempt 2 in July?

Time for tea.

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