Monday, June 30, 2008

Mrs Fridge Spoiler!

Hello Reader!

A Good day for Andy Murry at Wimbledon making it into the final 16. The excitement of the game had Mrs Fridge on the edge of her seat with near baby dropping excitement! I had to keep an eye on the floor in case she got so excited that her waters would break, cascading and gushing down onto our (clean) floor. Andy won and happily Ice Berg stayed inside safe and sound.

Mr Fridge had two (TWO! YES TWO! NOT ONE!) spoilers given to him for things he was watching on the TV at the weekend. I was watching Spooks, that excellent BBC 1 spy drama, which I had never seen before, which was obvious since I had rented them and said I had not seen them. As the episode started,

"Oh, she dies in the end. I remember this." she said.

"Oh well, I'll see how it pans out . . . only 59 minutes of the 60 minute episode to go." I had to sadly reply.

Next day, on the Sunday, I put on Noel Coward's 'Brief Encounter' which I recorded at Christmas from Film 4. Five minutes into the film,

"Oh, she has just tried to kill herself, I remember that".

Mrs Fridge remembered the program and the film and that demonstrates sharp memory and quick recall, but she could not bloody remember that I had not seen them! Oh well.

Anyways, here is a picture of lovely Mrs Fridge and Ice Berg.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Beat!

Hello Reader!

Mr Fridge was a hat trick hero at football tonight! Not done that in such a long time that Mr Fridge suspects that other players must have been tired today! Maybe not, maybe my post-retirement fitness is returning and I have top skills? Maybe.Ahem . . . Anyways, Mr Fridge is totally knackered this evening after his sporting heroics! Enough about me on MY blog.

Yesterday, Mr and Mrs Fridge were at the midwife and everything seems to be fine and healthy still with Ice Berg in good, if not enormous, shape. I also used my phone to record the sound of the heartbeat which is strong and regular and makes Daddy Fridge and Mummy Fridge very happy indeed. Mr Fridge has been playing the sound back to loads of people, even if they don't want to hear it but I am sure their lives are enriched by hearing it. If not then they should be! It is our Ice Berg after all!

In the evening it was prenatal class and we learned about breast feeding. You wimin out there are such clever people doing all that stuff that makes it all possible. I am so glad I am a male.

Poor Mrs Fridge has a big BIG bump in front of her: When she laughs Ice Berg changes shape and Mrs Fridge tummy changes shape leaving a baby mound at the front and her belly button goes into real danger of becoming an outy! What a horrible thing to happen to someone- a hole adult life of innies and then an outy belly button appears! It is quiet a difficult for me, having to see it now and again. I may have to buy corn plasters for Mrs Fridge to put over it, even if to help stop the joggers nipple effect!

Family news:
  • Looks like Mr Fridge brother won 2 euro on his office sweepstakes for a Germany win in tonight's game in Euro 2008. Well done him!
  • Mrs Fridge thinks that The Turkish Number 9 in tonight's game looks like Mr Fridge Brother. Hmmm . . apart from the lack of hair, I failed to see the similarity.
  • Mr Fridge Dad, Mr Fridge Uncle and Mr Fridge Aunt all meeting up this weekend and go on a tour of the Highlands of Scotland! They start of in Largs . . . erm . . the Highlands must start the day after. Enjoy that one! Mr and Mrs Fridge travel through to See Mr Fridge Aunt when they get back to Mr Fridge headquarters flat.
Mrs Fridge is off to bed so Mr Fridge is off to tuck her in and talk to Ice Berg and feel Ice Bergs kicks and pushes as she/he/she/he (which one is it?) get comfortable.

Oh, stop reading this Dorothy and get back to work!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Ice Berg Conveyance Purchase

Hello Reader,

Mr Fridgehair hopes you had a good weekend.

Over the sleeptastic weekend Mr and Mrs Fridge purchased a pram for the September due Ice Berg! It was traumatic for Mr Fridge as his hay fever tablet had made him drowsy, even docile perhaps, while we picked colours : last minute change to our original blue combination to black and red on the basis that a bright colour will stimulate. I put it down to me being on drugs.

We test drove it through and out the department shop, under escort of the sales assistant, to make sure if it would fit in the boot of William (Mrs Fridge's car). As we strolled though the floors we noticed lots of other mother's pushing their own Ice Bergs and Cubes about in the buggies and they all took a sneaky look back so they could compare their child against ours. They did look a little surprised to see we where pushing a price tag and packaging about.

We have a Bugaboo Chameleon! Ohhh . . Mrs Fridge is serving tea! I have to publish this on first draft and without full humour review. . . .

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Interesting Update on Mrs Fridge Observations

Good Evening Reader!

Mrs Fridge has been noticing the differences in life between not being with child and now, hugely pregnant. She had a think then put the big ones down in words, summarised them and I then pasted them below.

Well, I say the above but actually, if truth be told, I have plagiarised them from an email sent to me, by equally as pregnant Mrs Barnes at FridgeWorkOffice, but it is more entertaining to say that Mrs Fridge came up with them.

  • You get cashiers at the supermarket apologising for the wait because apparently you looked like you were about to give birth in the queue!
  • People ask "Are you sure you have only got the one in there!?" (We get this a lot!)
  • You have to swing your knickers like a game of hoopla to get them around your first leg then become a contortionist to get your other leg in them.
  • You have fantastic boobs which are unfortunately out done by your stomach.
  • People smile at you as if you are from another planet.
  • You want to strangle your friends/Mr Fridge who discuss there boozy nights out around you. (last Friday to be specific)
  • When you have to take you pants off to see what colour they are!
  • When you have two options, either paint your toes or breathe!
  • When you think your going to sneeze and you cross your legs instead of grabbing a tissue!
  • You cant walk past a pushchair without wondering if that's the one you should have bought.

Actually, the last one about the pushchairs is very accurate. We have decided the one, and probably the colour, of the pram pushchair thing we want and spend much of our out-together-time in town constantly looking at other kids hoping the will be as cute or not as ugly or annoying, but especially seeing how other parents are getting on with their prams/chair things. For some reason none come with built in stereos or beer chillers.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Friday Update on a Tuesday

Hello Reader,

Mr Fridge neglected to say that he was out of Friday evening with Mr Brian, Mr Dobber and Mr HowmanytimescanyouleavethesamejobandisunawareheisaHarryHilllookalike. They had a pleasureable evening taking the pi . . . erm gently pulling each others' legs, consuming beverages, watching Euro 2008 footy and wondering why Mr Dobber was waiting outside the pub he said he would be in at 5pm. Mr HowmanytimescanyouleavethesamejobandisunawareheisaHarryHilllookalike turned up late as he was working late for his new manager, Mr Booby. Mr Booby was due to be out but Pink Scooter Boy (yes, he had a scooter and his Mum bought him a pink one a few years ago!) was not allowed out, or so he says, but to be fair he has child number 2 due soon so he has to be flexible I guess.

Anyone fancy attempt 2 in July?

Time for tea.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Back to Work Monday!

Hello Reader,

Mr Fridge is back in his groove and will be updating more often with his funky blog!!!! (Clearly I am not a honky!).

Well what has been happening, I am sure I hear you say? Well the really bad news was that after a long week off (not a short one) Mr and Mrs Fridge both returned back to work! The alarm clocks were switched back on, smarter clothes were dug out the cupboard and I had to shave before lunch time!!!! I had checked on Saturday night that we had not won the lottery, which we had not. That said the luck was in the Fridge family as Mr Fridge Dad won 2 separate lotteries and his total was in 2 figures! Well done Mr Fridge Dad! Good news after the not so good news on the property market front.

Mr and Mrs Fridge also got a message from the Canadian Green's, formally of here, and they are doing well and are also expecting in October!!! Congratulations to them and we wish them the best too! I am sooooooo pleased for the Canadian Greens!!!! We will mail you now we have your mail address again!

Mr Fridge also found a message from USofA-rian Kathy K in his work email!! Good to hear from her too - she is a cool and top international artist! I shall put her web site address up once I can find it or she is kind enough to remind me of it! Good to hear form you again Kathy K! I will reply to your mail very soon indeed (I think I have a conference call tomorrow so will do then).

Mrs Fridge continues to do well and is currently off at her pregnancy yoga class keeping both her and Ice Berg fit and well and healthy. Every night we sit on the sofa and feel and watch for Ice Berg’s kicks, punches, bum pushes and head butts! Is such an amazing feeling and sensation and I can not begin to imagine what it must feel like carrying that and having the privilege of feeling that all the time!!

OH! And on Sunday Irish Jen and Mick and loads of other chaps were over on a mini Karate tour from Dublin (I could not attend any of Frank's classes as I have a property empire to sell :o(
Irish Jen and Mick and the other chaps were in good form and looked well and good to catch up on them all! I even heard a great joke about a ballerina and saw some 'interesting' pictures showing that Aliens are clearly among us! The rest of the jokes were useless.

Now that today's work is done I can relax and hope that one day I can have an outdoor hot tub of my own to lift and reinvigorate my tired body and brain after a hard days work. I have included a picture giving a great example of its rejuvenating properties. Just before I got into the hot tub I had ran a marathon through the Engerlish Lakes District Hills (cannie really call them mountains), swan across Lake Windermere and then a heavy Karate Session!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Greetings From Holiday Land!

Hello Reader!

We greet you from Engerland where we are inspecting the state of Hadrian's wall. The Ancient Romans built it for security reasons, but we are still trying to work out to whose benefit.

Here we can see Mrs Fridge and Ice Berg on top of what is left of the wall and you can see it in the back ground on the hill top behind.

The weather has been great and the four poster bed with outside hot tub has been very enjoyable. Even though it is a short break we have been busy at ancient Roman ruins, Hadrian's wall, lake side towns full of pensioners with beige and light blue blousons, hired a small boat which we drove round Lake Windiemere, played crazy golf (Mrs Fridge soundly beat me) and visited every public toilet (poor Mrs Fridge). It feels like we have walked a million miles (maybe just 2 or 3 then).

Time to soak in the hot tub again I think.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday News

Hello Reader,

The time has passed so quickly again!! Mr Fridge has been so busy at work and with Mrs Fridge and Ice Berg that he has selflessly not been able to update his blog! Apologies. Mr Fridge will endeavour to update more often (after the coming week as he will be on holiday).

Well, on Wednesday, after Mr Fridge had been playing football and was relaxing on the bed, Mrs Fridge and Ice Berg came in for a cuddle and a chat. As we chatted and joked she then commented, 'Wow! You have really quick reactions!" A fair enough comment especially after years of top karate training with a top instructor and also being raised the youngest of 3 in the Fridge family. The reason that she said what she said was that while I was relaxing, or should I say being lulled into a false sense of security, she was doing the preening thing and looking at my face, when she suddenly and, if I do say so, rather viciously, pulled out what she thought was an overly long and errant nasal hair! OUCH! Sneezes! Runny eyes! And it was one from right on the edge of the tunnel exit! I still cannot sleep to comfortably but the sense of trust is returning!

Time for a beer.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Hello Reader!

I come to you with exciting news that Ice Cube has been kicking, elbowing and pushing its bum out big time and often. It is like a skin earth quake!

Anyway, Ice Cube has grown so much that she/he has been promoted to Iceberg, following with his/her growth. Poor Mrs Fridge has to carry that about and he/she is only going to get bigger. I hope the summer is not going to be too hot.

On the more good news front : Mr Fridge Dad looks to have sold his house and looks to be buying a posh res accommodation by the sea on other side of the country.

On the less exciting but still good news, Mr Fridge brother has received his box of DVDs with British TV programs that I think he would like arrived safely in Austrialand. Mr Frige Brother's Partner, Setanta C, got some mini-cream eggs.

On the bad news front, hardly been able to train at Karate recently so missing that, but I shall get back into it soon.

Mr Fridge hopes that all his Aunts and Uncles and cousins are all in good news mode today.

Time for bed soon.

Good night.

How quick has the last week been?

Hello Reader,

Well! Mr Fridge cannot believe what has been happening in the last week! It was 6 days ago I last posted! Where has the time gone, I am sure I hear you ask.

In response Mr Fridge can claim to be well travelled, worked and ‘watered’ shall we say? The last blog entry was made from a hotel room in Dublin last week; yes Mr Fridge had left the country and gone to afar shores in the interest of work. I was there Tuesday and flew home on Friday. For the first time I was not looking forward to being away from home, I usually enjoy a good trip, especially this time as I was leaving Mrs Fridge and Ice Cube all alone! I was glad to get home and see Mrs Fridge and Ice Cube are well.

Anyway work was good and it was nice to put faces to names and voices, even if I did not recognise one person in particular as I had last seen Mrs 4444 for at least two years. Anyway, she had dark hair then and not the blond stuff she has now! I was embarrassed to say the least, but I hope she forgave me. Thursday night was very good as we went out en masse to celebrate 30 Year Old Man’s birthday! It was a good night and I even danced (from about 2am). I got back to the hotel about 3am and the staff thought I looked a bit tired (was careful what I was drinking, no worries there Reader) so cancelled my alarm call, which made matters worse as my mobile discharged during my sleep so no alarm call!! I DO NOT like sleeping in, not since I left my teens anyway.

The weekend was good and we had Mrs Fridge’s parents over to celebrate Mrs Fridge’s Dad’s birthday. It was a gloriously sunny and warm day on Saturday so we took them to the ‘Taste of Edinburgh’ on Sunday, when it pissed down all day: Despite the cold, the wet and the ever muddying ground the food and whisky was good and they seemed to enjoy the day.

Property Empire had no visitors but I have a viewing by appointment this week so hopefully they will buy.