Monday, May 12, 2008

NEWS ALERT! (About a week ago)

Hello Reader!

I greet you with exciting and ground breaking news! On Saturday, when Mr Fridge was venturing out to hunt and gather (not forage) at Edinburgh Farmer's Market, Mrs Fridge put together a list of desirable items and animals parts to spear, trap and purchase. Among them was a vegetable that has not been hunted for some time! Yes! Mrs Fridge is back on Potatoes! In fact, just the night before, while Mr And Mrs Fridge had been enjoying Mrs Fridge's parents hospitality before they went of on their French caravan adventure, Mr Fridge had observed and commented on Mrs Fridge enjoying her mother's cooking and POTATOES. I feel like I have been reunited with an old friend, an often dull and bland friend to be fair, but a well textured one.

Same day was Mr Fridge Dad's birthday! I will not reveal his years, although I will say that a calculator and a bit of paper is required. Mr Fridge Dad travelled through (very kind of him as the less Mrs Fridge and Ice Cube travel at the moment the better for them and also for my peace of mind). We enjoyed tea and Mr Fridge dad drank warm water with milk (what a waste of a tea bag, really!), had some birthday chocolate cake roll thing, showed him latest scan picture, which he did not cry too, then off to an Italian restaurant for dinner. Food was nice and we told Mr Fridge Dad of names for Ice Cubes depending on gender: again, we were surprised he did not cry. The restaurant was quiet so we had quick service which I think can take away from the dining experience: I like no rush, relaxation and sometimes slow service so you can enjoy your drinks and let conversations find their own directions and paths. Still we took our time and had a good time.

Mrs Fridge will soon be back from Pregnancy Yoga so I have to make the tea!

More posts soon and also scan pictures will included!

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