Monday, September 8, 2008


Hello Reader!

Mr Fridge is back on line after a whole horrific day of being off-net!!! Mr Fridge sat down last night to blog away but could not get connected!! Better luck today, fortunately. I ended up watching ‘Antiques Road show’ : that is how frustrated I was.

We visited Mrs Meg and Mrs Gordon who are now 1 day overdue for their baby. Both are well and theirs cannot arrive before Wednesday as Mr Gordon has things to do. And Mrs B had her baby last week. Well done Mrs B – bet you are glad that is out. AND Bulgarian Anna had her baby last week – total labour time was 15 minutes with her baby born on the living room floor. I sooo hope that Ice Shelf does not do that to us! Given the week ahead of me.

Well we are 7 days till B-Day! Expected date is either next Monday or Tuesday and we move to Fridge Manor this Thursday!

Mrs Fridge had a difficult night last night, apparently my fault as when I came to bed I turned the light off and that woke her up. Not sure that is quiet how it happened as I could not get to sleep for last night for her lady sleep noises (that’s snoring to us chaps). I am not sure when she got up but poor thing was up half the night. At least she got some sleep and I had arranged for the new ‘Glasvegas’ CD to arrive in the post for her.

Mr Fridge also got Lydia checked into Maverick’s garage to have her shoes and brakes done and Mr Fridge just happened to mention the football at the weekend (Scotland back to their usual naffness) and off he went! Mr Fridge think Maverick needs to take anger management classes and stop following quality football, and also Hearts FC, or he will bust a blood vessel.

Well done to Shrek and Cat at the weekend for completing the Glasgow half marathon : one had cramp and the other had too many pints the day before.

Mr Fridge is now off to the pub to read some birthing notes and find out what is going to happen.

Oh! OH! Yes Mr Bart in Scandinavia! IKEA do suck (and large ones at that) and not rock! I worry for your mental health, especially after every conversation we have. IMOA! IMOA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have got the wrong guy for Maverick, but never mind, it makes it more confusing for you this way! (The real Maverick)