Mr and Mrs Fridge had a most amazing experience yesterday! Well every day is a lovely experience at the moment. Mrs Fridge's stomach and hips are changing shape as her incredible innards make space for Ice Cube to grow and form. The subconscious brain is an amazing thing too. I never thought that I have the reactions that I am having. When we were working to freeze my water in her ice box I always had thoughts in the back of my head about what we would not be able to do, the change in finances and lack of sleep to name but a few, but as soon as we found out it all disappeared and I am looking forward to sleepless nights, bad smells in nappies and being generally skint.

I feel like we are the first people ever to have a baby! Clearly not as we are all evidence of that.
The amazing thing yesterday when we saw the midwife : we heard the heartbeat! Thumping away all strong and healthy at the moment - so keep that up Ice Cube! 150 beats per minute! That's my boy/girl!
Other good news is that Mrs Fridge has not felt sick or nauseous recently! She has also been staying up beyond 9pm last few nights! There goes my XBOX nights, which I am trying to fit in before I lose my nights. (Such a grown up, I know)
Gonna send this out to a USA CowGirl colleague to see if I can get a reader! From there who can say. I know she will be fascinated by Lydia's ticket dilema of last year!
CONGRATS TO MR. & MRS. FRIDGE!!! What a wonderful adventure you both are about to embark upon. Thank you for sharing this blog with me and inviting me to you had to do that!! HA! Lydia's ticket situation was pure horsepoop and I'm glad you didn't take it lying down - WHATEVER!! Happy Trails - USA Cowgirl!!
OMG! Cogratulations. Will call.
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