Hello Reader.
Mr Fridge has had a busy old weekend! Shopping at Farmer's market for all the best, local and fresh products, then home and off to Paisley to meet old school friends to watch Rangers play Celtic in the pub to help decide the top of the league then off to watch Gretna play St Mirren at love street in what was probably one of the most dully boring game of football, no, any sport, I have ever seen. Some might say, 'a nervous a game' but not me. I would say a boring game, despite St Mirren’s 2-0 victory (Hooray). There may have been an element of the pre-match Guiness having an over calming effect. Must say that I missed the first goal as Cat and I were checking the time to see how much time was left in the first half. Went for a quick drink before heading back on the train to meet Mr Bob and L to go for a Chinese and some beer. Poor Mrs Fridge had one small micro glass of champagne to celebrate us being due. I had to help out and take her share of the rest.
Sunday - flat had to have the windows opened as the spicy Chinese meal with taosing (sp) beer really showed that I have a healthy digestive system . . . 'nuff said. Then we cleaned out our property empire ready for a hopefully quick sale - anybody want to buy a flat?
Just before tea time : got a cold call from Unicorn Wireless trying to sell me a mobile phone contract : it did not help that he called me McGrath. I think that Mike (are there many people called Mike in the Philippines?) got a surprise when I told him that I am registered TPS (Telephone Preference Service) and since he had given me the company name and number that they were now h=going to have a complaint filed against the company and a £1500 fine could be imposed per phone call. He got upset and told me that, “1, the company was too big to complain against and, 2, if I did I would die.” It is clearly a different part of the world that Mike lives in. Mike hung up on me after he asked me what ‘an arsehole’ was. Who am I but one to tell him the truth?
Mrs Fridge just arrived home so I am off to cater to the mother of my child’s needs.
POST SCRIPT : Mrs Dobber called to wish us well on my success with early fatherhood. Hello Mrs Dobber! I gave you the address for this so I hope you have read it! Mrs Dobber is a lovely lady and wife of Mr Dobber. WARNING : Never play card or board games with Mrs Dobber unless you have other people present in the room to act as witnesses.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Sad Loss of a Young Friend
On Wednesday Robert Foulkes died suddenly and unexpectedly. Robert was a friend who I had trained with and got to know through Karate.
Rest in Peace, Rob. You will be missed by all whose lives you touched.
16 April 1984 to 26 March 2008
Rest in Peace, Rob. You will be missed by all whose lives you touched.
16 April 1984 to 26 March 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Mr Fridge Happy Again, then Anxious then Embarrassed.
Mrs Fridge read yesterday’s entry and despite my eating half her chocolate egg she made efforts to repair my broken self by serving up spicy potatoes wedges with the chicken and green beans (we do eat healthily) last night. She even demonstrated her love for me by eating half of them herself!
Lydia Montana (my lovely car – see November 2007) is in for a service today and I am actually waiting and half expecting a call from Mr Murieston’s garage for him to tell me that I have a hairdresser's car and tell me my car is in need of big repairs and needs “At least a thousand” pounds worth of work : what do you expect from a Hearts FC fan? If it feels like this for a car then when Mrs Fridge is giving birth then I may well have to give up ideas of waiting for her to text me of the sex of the baby while I am in the bar and actually be with her when Ice Cube is ready to enter this world!
Mr Fridge is actually a little embarrassed : last night at 8pm Mrs Fridge asked me if I was going to Karate class. I had got my days mixed up, probably due to her day off on Monday and the chip fiasco, and thought it was Monday! Oh well. Seeing as the class started at 8pm I was a bit late.
Post Script : Lydia fine and Mr Murieston did a great job despite being a Hearts fan.
Lydia Montana (my lovely car – see November 2007) is in for a service today and I am actually waiting and half expecting a call from Mr Murieston’s garage for him to tell me that I have a hairdresser's car and tell me my car is in need of big repairs and needs “At least a thousand” pounds worth of work : what do you expect from a Hearts FC fan? If it feels like this for a car then when Mrs Fridge is giving birth then I may well have to give up ideas of waiting for her to text me of the sex of the baby while I am in the bar and actually be with her when Ice Cube is ready to enter this world!
Mr Fridge is actually a little embarrassed : last night at 8pm Mrs Fridge asked me if I was going to Karate class. I had got my days mixed up, probably due to her day off on Monday and the chip fiasco, and thought it was Monday! Oh well. Seeing as the class started at 8pm I was a bit late.
Post Script : Lydia fine and Mr Murieston did a great job despite being a Hearts fan.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Shocking Betrayal and u-turn by Mrs Fridge!!!!!!!
Well Reader, I have been betrayed by Mrs Fridge and I am, quite frankly, still in shock. She stated that being pregnant gave her an aversion to certain foods that made her feel sick. One of those being potatoes in any form what so ever, being boiled, fried, mashed, raw, sautéed, chipped etc. So Mr Fridge, being the good and supportive husband that he is, makes no effort to eat these foods any more and was missing the potatoes and chips. So, on Easter Monday, when Mr Fridge is out working, keeping a roof over our heads and providing for my prospective family (and Xbox) Mrs Fridge has the pleasure of a day off and visit from friends from the West and lunch in a posh nosh restaurant.
"Nice day?" asks Mr Fridge.
"Yes, thanks." replies Mrs Fridge
"How is everyone?"
"Fine, yeah." she answers.
"What did you have to eat?"
"Ohhhhh! I had a nice steak mince burger and chips" she replied before realising what she had eaten!. Mr Fridge broke down in tears. He does not eat chips often but I do like occasionally and have been chip and potatoe free since mid January.
I forgave her as I ate half of her Easter egg when she went to bed.
Mrs Fridge is showing already and has even more maternity clothes very kindly provided by Mrs Fridge's Mum.
This is her.

NB - For North Americans, 'chips' are not what you think, they are crisps. No, chips are what you call French or Freedom fries, depending on the international discussion at the time. Crisps are what you mistakenly call chips.
"Nice day?" asks Mr Fridge.
"Yes, thanks." replies Mrs Fridge
"How is everyone?"
"Fine, yeah." she answers.
"What did you have to eat?"
"Ohhhhh! I had a nice steak mince burger and chips" she replied before realising what she had eaten!. Mr Fridge broke down in tears. He does not eat chips often but I do like occasionally and have been chip and potatoe free since mid January.
I forgave her as I ate half of her Easter egg when she went to bed.
Mrs Fridge is showing already and has even more maternity clothes very kindly provided by Mrs Fridge's Mum.
This is her.

NB - For North Americans, 'chips' are not what you think, they are crisps. No, chips are what you call French or Freedom fries, depending on the international discussion at the time. Crisps are what you mistakenly call chips.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Monday
Happy Easter Monday All!
Mr Fridge Hair is in work today along with a few dozen others in an office of hundreds! I am actually working almost very hard and able to catch up on some things that have been needing doing for a while.
Mr Fridge's Dad drove all the way down from Glasgow, Scotland to Canterbury, Engerland, to meat with his Sister, (Sister Sister). He called when he got there and he sounded not to bad for driving most the length of Britain : Well impressed as he often does an overnight half way down so he does not over tire himself. Well done Mr Fridge Dad! Especially for a man of your age!
Mr Fridge Hair is in work today along with a few dozen others in an office of hundreds! I am actually working almost very hard and able to catch up on some things that have been needing doing for a while.
Mr Fridge's Dad drove all the way down from Glasgow, Scotland to Canterbury, Engerland, to meat with his Sister, (Sister Sister). He called when he got there and he sounded not to bad for driving most the length of Britain : Well impressed as he often does an overnight half way down so he does not over tire himself. Well done Mr Fridge Dad! Especially for a man of your age!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Sunday
Happy Sunday to Everyone!
Mr Fridge almost had a delicate head after visiting Mrs and Mr Sid last night but was saved by a generous portion of Mrs Sid's lovely food! We had a great time and despite a smashed pudding bowl, a broken wine glass, a damaged arm on an arm chair and a stereo that no longer plays CDs we think they did too! Good night of good food, good company, good beer, wine and whisky.
Today saw me up early stretched out over the sofa watching the F1 Grand Prix while Mrs Fridge sorted out our domestic property empire : she was soo good. I eventually rose from the sofa (second bed of the morning) got dressed before returning to sofa ready to wait for arrival of Mrs Fridge's parents. We visited a nice city hotel and had a lovely meal that was so filling that we have yet to eat again, other than Easter chocolate. MR Fridge had some mashed potatoes from Mrs Fridge's Mother's plate and given that Mrs Fridge is off potatoes big time due to Ice Cube, it was like being reunited with an old friend.
After that we visited the flat that is our Property Empire.
Overall a lazy Sunday for me.
"Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic'. That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now let's write a swimming pool'" Sir Paul McCartney
Mr Fridge almost had a delicate head after visiting Mrs and Mr Sid last night but was saved by a generous portion of Mrs Sid's lovely food! We had a great time and despite a smashed pudding bowl, a broken wine glass, a damaged arm on an arm chair and a stereo that no longer plays CDs we think they did too! Good night of good food, good company, good beer, wine and whisky.
Today saw me up early stretched out over the sofa watching the F1 Grand Prix while Mrs Fridge sorted out our domestic property empire : she was soo good. I eventually rose from the sofa (second bed of the morning) got dressed before returning to sofa ready to wait for arrival of Mrs Fridge's parents. We visited a nice city hotel and had a lovely meal that was so filling that we have yet to eat again, other than Easter chocolate. MR Fridge had some mashed potatoes from Mrs Fridge's Mother's plate and given that Mrs Fridge is off potatoes big time due to Ice Cube, it was like being reunited with an old friend.
After that we visited the flat that is our Property Empire.
Overall a lazy Sunday for me.
"Somebody said to me, 'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic'. That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now let's write a swimming pool'" Sir Paul McCartney
Friday, March 21, 2008
Fridge's Easter Friday Message
Happy Easter to my reader! I now have CowGirl dipping in for a read and I welcome your comment!
Mrs Fridge had a good day at a conference on something to do with her job, came home in a good mood with some fudge cake, which I thought was perhaps a first craving but turned out just to be left over cake form the office, but after eating all the cake (minus once slice for me) and then Ice Cube deciding he needed to move some of Mrs Fridge's internals, in order to keep growing and doing well (such a clever boy or girl!), Mrs Fridge felt a bit unwell and had to go to bed. Poor thing. She is doing a good job carrying my unborn!
The link below made me a laugh : me thinks he had sampled his ware before calling for assistance.
Mr Fridge has been mildly concerned of the past few days. He had a haircut that removed up to two thirds of his hair and now he uses less product (gel) in it, but with less hair the gel now works and holds it in place from when it dries: if I am outside in the wind, swish my head about or any movement at all it returns to the original shape : it looks, quite frankly like I am in an 80s American soap opera! I think I need some advice from Mrs Fridge.
I include a back view of Ice Cube today.

Mrs Fridge had a good day at a conference on something to do with her job, came home in a good mood with some fudge cake, which I thought was perhaps a first craving but turned out just to be left over cake form the office, but after eating all the cake (minus once slice for me) and then Ice Cube deciding he needed to move some of Mrs Fridge's internals, in order to keep growing and doing well (such a clever boy or girl!), Mrs Fridge felt a bit unwell and had to go to bed. Poor thing. She is doing a good job carrying my unborn!
The link below made me a laugh : me thinks he had sampled his ware before calling for assistance.
Mr Fridge has been mildly concerned of the past few days. He had a haircut that removed up to two thirds of his hair and now he uses less product (gel) in it, but with less hair the gel now works and holds it in place from when it dries: if I am outside in the wind, swish my head about or any movement at all it returns to the original shape : it looks, quite frankly like I am in an 80s American soap opera! I think I need some advice from Mrs Fridge.
I include a back view of Ice Cube today.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Ice Cube in Mrs Fridge's Ice Box
Mr and Mrs Fridge had a most amazing experience yesterday! Well every day is a lovely experience at the moment. Mrs Fridge's stomach and hips are changing shape as her incredible innards make space for Ice Cube to grow and form. The subconscious brain is an amazing thing too. I never thought that I have the reactions that I am having. When we were working to freeze my water in her ice box I always had thoughts in the back of my head about what we would not be able to do, the change in finances and lack of sleep to name but a few, but as soon as we found out it all disappeared and I am looking forward to sleepless nights, bad smells in nappies and being generally skint.

I feel like we are the first people ever to have a baby! Clearly not as we are all evidence of that.
The amazing thing yesterday when we saw the midwife : we heard the heartbeat! Thumping away all strong and healthy at the moment - so keep that up Ice Cube! 150 beats per minute! That's my boy/girl!
Other good news is that Mrs Fridge has not felt sick or nauseous recently! She has also been staying up beyond 9pm last few nights! There goes my XBOX nights, which I am trying to fit in before I lose my nights. (Such a grown up, I know)
Gonna send this out to a USA CowGirl colleague to see if I can get a reader! From there who can say. I know she will be fascinated by Lydia's ticket dilema of last year!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Mr FridgeHair back from Sabatical
Hello all my non-existent readers!
I have been lazy and neglectful but much has happened since November. Christmas came and went and that appears to have gone with a bang. Mrs Fridgehair's parents had their silver wedding anniversary in a nice posh hotel between Christmas and New Year. New Year was good and only one work call that I happily ignored. In January we moved into the property development market, just as all the 'slow down' started and we have just finished renovations.
Other news is that Mrs Fridge has an ice-cube in her freezer box! Mr Fridge is very delighted and looking forward to the big melt in September. Mrs Fridge has been in good health, other than feeling nauseous and going to bed at 9pm every night. She has also banned potatoes, fish and, this makes me sad as I had to bin my stash, soft cheese! Still, it is worth all the effort and upset and, as long as there is a bar then I shall be present at birth.
The job of telling the Fridge family and friends has begun and I thnk we have most folk, so back to the blogging for me.
So far we are at 14 weeks (approx) and so far Ice Cube jnr is a big lad/girl!
Time for me to make the tea!
Farewell until the next post for all you non-reades!
I have been lazy and neglectful but much has happened since November. Christmas came and went and that appears to have gone with a bang. Mrs Fridgehair's parents had their silver wedding anniversary in a nice posh hotel between Christmas and New Year. New Year was good and only one work call that I happily ignored. In January we moved into the property development market, just as all the 'slow down' started and we have just finished renovations.
Other news is that Mrs Fridge has an ice-cube in her freezer box! Mr Fridge is very delighted and looking forward to the big melt in September. Mrs Fridge has been in good health, other than feeling nauseous and going to bed at 9pm every night. She has also banned potatoes, fish and, this makes me sad as I had to bin my stash, soft cheese! Still, it is worth all the effort and upset and, as long as there is a bar then I shall be present at birth.
The job of telling the Fridge family and friends has begun and I thnk we have most folk, so back to the blogging for me.
So far we are at 14 weeks (approx) and so far Ice Cube jnr is a big lad/girl!
Time for me to make the tea!
Farewell until the next post for all you non-reades!
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