Hello Reader,
Mr Fridge is back in his groove and will be updating more often with his funky blog!!!! (Clearly I am not a honky!).
Well what has been happening, I am sure I hear you say? Well the really bad news was that after a long week off (not a short one) Mr and Mrs Fridge both returned back to work! The alarm clocks were switched back on, smarter clothes were dug out the cupboard and I had to shave before lunch time!!!! I had checked on Saturday night that we had not won the lottery, which we had not. That said the luck was in the Fridge family as Mr Fridge Dad won 2 separate lotteries and his total was in 2 figures! Well done Mr Fridge Dad! Good news after the not so good news on the property market front.
Mr and Mrs Fridge also got a message from the Canadian Green's, formally of here, and they are doing well and are also expecting in October!!! Congratulations to them and we wish them the best too! I am sooooooo pleased for the Canadian Greens!!!! We will mail you now we have your mail address again!
Mr Fridge also found a message from USofA-rian Kathy K in his work email!! Good to hear from her too - she is a cool and top international artist! I shall put her web site address up once I can find it or she is kind enough to remind me of it! Good to hear form you again Kathy K! I will reply to your mail very soon indeed (I think I have a conference call tomorrow so will do then).
Mrs Fridge continues to do well and is currently off at her pregnancy yoga class keeping both her and Ice Berg fit and well and healthy. Every night we sit on the sofa and feel and watch for Ice Berg’s kicks, punches, bum pushes and head butts! Is such an amazing feeling and sensation and I can not begin to imagine what it must feel like carrying that and having the privilege of feeling that all the time!!
OH! And on Sunday Irish Jen and Mick and loads of other chaps were over on a mini Karate tour from Dublin (I could not attend any of Frank's classes as I have a property empire to sell :o(
Irish Jen and Mick and the other chaps were in good form and looked well and good to catch up on them all! I even heard a great joke about a ballerina and saw some 'interesting' pictures showing that Aliens are clearly among us! The rest of the jokes were useless.
Now that today's work is done I can relax and hope that one day I can have an outdoor hot tub of my own to lift and reinvigorate my tired body and brain after a hard days work. I have included a picture giving a great example of its rejuvenating properties. Just before I got into the hot tub I had ran a marathon through the Engerlish Lakes District Hills (cannie really call them mountains), swan across Lake Windermere and then a heavy Karate Session!