Hello Reader,
Mr Fridge was, this evening, so annoyed at public service (ahem) from Parcel Force. The XBox has been repaired and dispatched back and a delivery card put through my door with a map to the depot to pick it up. Seeing is is just off my road on the way home from work I decided to drop in and pick it up. Unfortunately the weather was not good and the rain was sooo heavy that when I got to the car park that I decided to drive in the depot main delivery door, the one where Parcel Force's vans and lorries drive in to the huge depot building. I got out the car and interrupted the 3 staff who were intensly looking out at the rain fall.
"Can I help you?" the youngest says , turning his head and not even bothering to take his hands out of his pocket.
"Yes, I have a package to pick up." I replied, holding out my delivery card. He ignores it and replies,
"You can't park there."
"I know, but seeing as the rain is torrential and I did not want to get soaked in the 10 metre walk from the parking to here I decided to make use of the vast amounts of empty space in here. Can I have my package?" still holding out my delivery card. The young man, nay boy, still ignores my card.
"You can't park there." repeats the broken record.
"Well," I sigh, "it looks like I have anyway. Can I have my package and I can leave" then lifting the card to his his eye level, just in case the effort in lowering his eyes was too much for this obviously overworked public sector worker.
"You need to go to the customer services office, outside up there on the right. You can't park there."
The rain is even heavier. I get in Lydia, reverse out and drive the little bit up to park as close as I could to the customer (un)services door. The rain is so heavy that the wipers are having difficulty clearing off the rain on maximum wipe settings. I get out and in the 5 metres to the door I get very wet. Once inside I ring the buzzer for service and, suprise suprise, no-one comes, although I can here them talking about the rain. I count to 60 in my head then push the buzzer again. I count to about 40 in my head and then someone arrives to deal with the 'customer'. I let go of the buzzer. The server is the exact same person who was so captivated by the rain in the first place. Cheeky get says, "Can I help you?"
I have ran out of patience, although my anger is fine. I am calm.
"Yes you can hopefully. Maybe. If it is okay to interuppt your rain watching, you know I have a package to pick up."
He actualy smirks as he takes my delivery card. "The bad news is that it has been left in your local post office to pick up. Look it says so here. Can ye 'no read?". Arsehole points to a scribble on the back of the card.
"I can read." I reply, "Evidently you delivery man cannot write. That is of no use to me. I shall let you get back to your rain watching."
I leave.
In summary, they gave me a card with a map, opening times and a scribble. Parcel Force, you suck. I am a believer that some things should be be run by the nation but I think some private company ethics need to be brought in, such as customer service, if you don;t do your job then eventually you will be out.
When did I become such a moan? Or perhaps, in younger years I was just too passive and accepted bad service, trying to see the other side, like what it must be like to work there but I now believe that good service gets good customers. National service that's what they need! A public flogging perhaps?