Gillian Gribons given 15 days in a Sundanese prison then a deportation order. Her crime? Allowing a teddy bear in her school class, in which she taught, to be called Muhammad. The children democratically picked the name so it was named so. A parent complained and then an international incident occured and saddly many people in the UK now think less of a religion.
I am not a Muslim and I do not live in a Muslim country so I cannot understand the full impact that that would have on me, but feel and, more importantly, think an example has been made of her. A simple slap on the wrist should have been sufficient and more than enough for her, the population and for those offended. To have her deported is simply ridiculous! Her life as she knew it has been destroyed and she must start elsewhere all over again due to a silly mistake. How much better would it have been to sentence her to a days education on how it was seen as offensive and for her class to get an extra lesson.
I hope she does well and sells her story for reasonable compensation and finds a new teaching post in a more tolerant, and maybe Muslim, country.
Extreme reaction : Send in SAS and rescure us. Enough to make us all ignore the dodgy donations scandel in the labour party.
Please note that the above bear has no name what so ever and is a little disappointed that so much trouble has been caused by a different bear altogether.